Italy and France: General Knowledge USA Quiz.

By knowledgeterminal - March 24, 2019

Section a: Fruit and vegetable consumption- USA map

Section b: World map by skyscrapers

Section c: USA  event

During the Second Continental Congress Benjamin Franklin was appointed the first postmaster general. In 1792, Post Office Department was formed from Franklin's action

Section d: world event


English engineer and computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web which most popular way of accessing online data in the form of websites and hyperlinks

Section e: Italy and France

Italy Facts


1.        Nick name – ‘Bel Paese’ (beautiful country)

2.        Capital:  Rome (founded in 753 BC)

3.        Official languages: Italian.

4.        Currency: Euro. (previously lira).

5.        Italy is divided into 20 regions with 5 autonomous regions.

6.        Italy is 10th largest among EU countries.

7.        It has land border with France, Austria, Switzerland, Slovenia, San Marino and Vatican City

8.        Italy holds third largest oil reserve among the European Countries behind Norway and UK, but it does extract limited quantities and as such it has to import crude oil mainly from African countries.

9.        Football or soccer is the national sports in Italy. (won Football World Cup 4 times - 1934, 1938, 1982 and 2006)

10.    According to UNESCO report,  in Italy overall adult literacy rate is 98.85%. Male literacy rate is 99.14% while female literacy rate is 98.58%. In Italy education is compulsory from 6 to 16 years of age. Some of the Italian universities  are reckoned among the oldest universities in the world. University of Bolonga was founded in 1088 and it is the oldest university in Europe.

11.    Italy has more than 1500 lakes of which Lake Garda (143 Sq. miles is the largest in the country and ranks third among those in the Alps.

12.    The Appian way (62 Km. long) connecting Rome with Brindisi  is one of the earliest and strategically most important roads of the Italian Republic. It was built in 312 BC.

13.    Indigenous people  include the Latins, the Greeks, the Sarbines and the Etruscans. It is believed that Latins (Indo-Europeans) migrated to Italian Peninsula during the  late Bronze Age (1200-900 BC) while the Etruscans settled there prior to that.

14.    Modern Italy was formed on 17th March, 1861 when most of the states of the Italian Peninsula and the two Sicilis kingdoms united under the ruler Victor EmanuelII of Sardinia.

15.    In 1605 French explorer Samuel de Champlain established the first permanent European settlements at Port Royal and in 1608 in Quebec City

16.    The Italian Renaissance (14th century - 17th century) was period of cultural restoration and renewed interest in classical antiquity after the centuries of Dark Ages. It began in Tuscany and was centered in Florence.

17.    The most famous Italian explorers are Christopher Columbus who sailed for Spain, Giovanni da Verrazzano for France, Amerigo Vespucci for Portugal

18.    Italian scientists namely Falloppio, Tartaglia, Galileo, Torricelli and foreign nationals like Copernicus and Vesalius worked in Italian universities during the renaissance period.

19.    In literature there were three great poets Dante Alighieri (writer of Divine Comedy), Petrarch (writer of Canzoniere) and Boccaccio (writer of Decameron).

20.    In art artists like Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Donatello, Giotto di Bondone, Raphael, Masaccio produced exceptional work like the Florence Cathedral, St. Peter's Basilica, Tempio Malatestiano

21.    Many commonly used items in our daily lives such as battery, thermometer, barometer, nitroglycerin and wireless telegraphy. And there are more, such as, ice cream cone, typewriter, violin, cello, piano, mechanical clock, optical glasses, scooter and telephone were invented by Italians.

22.    Italy is culturally very rich and famous for its art, music, fashion and food. The famous Ballet dance art was originated in Italy and later was exported to France.

France Facts



1.        Capital – Paris

2.        Official language – French

3.        Currency – Euro

4.        Four main province- Northern France, Eastern France, Western France and Southern France

5.        Border countries – Italy, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Monaco, Andora, Switzerland and Luxemburg.

6.        At present France has no significant reserves of minerals and oils and has to depend on imports from other countries to meet its requirement so far as industrial minerals are concerned. 

7.        France has become 8th largest wind power nation in the world.

8.        France is one among the most sports oriented country in the world. A variety of sports are played most popular among them being football, cycling and tennis.

9.        France has about 30000 Kms of railway net work which is second largest in Europe, after Germany and ninth in the world. It has pioneered in introducing high speed technology in railway trains. Paris Gare du Nord, one of the oldest railway station in the world, is the busiest railway station in Europe handling 190 million passengers in a year.

10.    Europe’s highest mountain, Mont Blanc (4810 metres) is situated in French Alps.

11.    Nice Carnival is the Winter festival of grand parades and wonderful fireworks. Les Choregies d’ Orange- Summer festival of celebration of Opera. Festival of Avignon one of the oldest festivals celebrated in France is the festival of art and culture. Tour de France a gala cycling competition being celebrated for over hundred years is one of the most prestigious and exciting French festivals. Mardi Gras a traditional French festival when people come out on the streets with huge masks and pancakes, waffles and omelets.

12.    Ro-La trains is a form of piggyback transportation which involves the transmission of road trucks by rail is very popuar.

13.    French education is compulsory for children of ages 6 to 16 years and free in state schools.

14.    History of France traces back to iron age when the region which comprises the modern day France was known as Gaul and was a part of Roman Empire since 51 BC.

15.    Paris was founded in 3rd century BC by the Gauls (Parisii)

16.    It came in the Frankish dominance under rule of the Frankish king Clovis I in the late 5th century. Frankish power reached its fullest extent under Charlemagne.

17.    The medieval Kingdom of France emerged from the western part of Charlemagne's Carolingian Empire, known as West Francia, and achieved increasing prominence under the rule of the House of Capet, founded by Hugh Capet in 987. The name France originates from overthrow of Roman Gaul by Germanic tribe Franks.

18.    France was a monarchy from 5th century to the 18th century

19.     In 1789 the Bourbon dynasty was overthrown, and in 1792 replaced by a republic after French Revolution against royal rule

20.    The French Revolution which lasted 10 years from 1789 to 1799 started with the storming of the Bastille fortress on 14th July 1789, an event that is celebrated every year all over France known as Bastille Day.

21.    The most popular nickname for Paris is "the City of Lights" ("la Ville des Lumières", although in French, one would rather say "la Ville Lumière"). It's called this because Paris was one of the first cities to have electricity.

22.    The Eiffel Tower built for the 1889 World Fair was supposed to stand for 20 years.

23.    Rooster is the national animal of France.

24.    The potato was illegal in France! Potatoes were illegal in France for 24 years from 1748 when French Parliament prohibited the cultivation of the potato because it was thought to cause leprosy.

25.    France is the world's sixth largest agricultural producer and EU's leading agricultural power, accounting for about one-third of all agricultural land within the EU.

26.    France is the most popular tourist destination.

27.    France is the second major trading country in Europe (after Germany). 60% of French trade is with European Union countries.

28.    France is the world's sixth largest agricultural producer and EU's leading agricultural power, accounting for about one-third of all agricultural land within the EU. Northern As the world's second-largest agricultural exporter, France ranks just after the United States.

29.    In December 2013 world’s first artificial heart transplant was carried out in France’s Georges Pompidou Hospital in Paris.

Section f: quiz

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