S. one: Main religion USA states map
S. three: historical events - USA
First public school
established in Boston-Boston Latin School
S. four: historical events - world
First Crusade were religious wars
to regain the Holy Land under Pope Urban II helping Byzantine Empire capture
Anatolia from Seljuq Turks, Jerusalem and Levant
S. five: String Theory Facts
1. Standard
model of particle physics tries to describe matter in the simplest forms
2. We
see an object when light is reflected by it. When we attempt to see extremely small
elementary particles light (electromagnetic wave) gets dodged. When extremely small
wavelengths electromagnetic waves cannot be used instead of light because it
has high energy and alters the particles. So theories were based assuming the elementary
particles were point
3. Beginning
of theory: In 1960s. In the Standard Model which explains fundamental particles
and their interaction strange behavior between pairs of mesons was noted. To
explain this, it was proposed that that the quarks in mesons are joined by
4. All
physical forces except gravity (which was a theory of geometry of space-time)
5. So
there was an absence of a single” theory of everything”
6. The
assumption of particle to be a point was developed into a line model which describes
different elementary particles as diverse modes of vibration of the string
7. The
theory was replaced by quantum chromodynamics
8. In
19 70s it was proposed that oscillations in very small strings give rise to
force carrying particles.
9. Finally,
in 1995 Ed Witten combined many forms of super string theory into the of M
10. Strings
with ends tied up can be waves which can be constructive (where phases of the
overlapping wave match and frequency of the wave is enhanced) or destructive
11. Particular
frequencies / energies are possible for particular string
12. In
standard model there are 19 free parameters like mass which we get from the length
of the string
13. So
strings are extremely small 1D structures (Planck scale) in loops or stretched in
vibrational modes which need additional dimensions of space-time to keep up
with mathematical consistency. M theory needs 11 dimensions with three spatial
dimensions, one-time dimension, and 6 more small spatial dimensions
14. String
theory answers puzzling questions about quantum gravity and black holes
15. Currently
string theory has not made complete/ testable predictions or proven in an experiment
S. six: Quiz
Q: Who is known as the father of Organic chemistry?
A: Friedrich Wöhler
Q: What term is used for change in a
genetic sequence?
A: Mutation