Section 1: USA map by South America born citizen
1899 - 1902
Section 4: Historically important world event
Section 5: Electricity and Battery Facts
Electricity Facts
•Everything is made of atoms
•Atom consists of electrons, protons, and neutrons
•Flow of electrons is called electricity
Insulators: Some materials have
strong attraction forces and refuse to lose electrons, these are called
insulators (air, glass, rubber, most plastics)
strong attraction forces and refuse to lose electrons, these are called
insulators (air, glass, rubber, most plastics)
Conductors: Some materials have weak attractions and
allow electrons to be lost, these are called conductors (copper, silver, gold, aluminum)
allow electrons to be lost, these are called conductors (copper, silver, gold, aluminum)
Battery Facts
Discovered by Luigi
Galvani (1780) and improved upon by Alessandro Volta
o A battery produces electricity by transforming chemical
energy into electrical energy, using various metal electrodes immersed in an
electrolytic solution
energy into electrical energy, using various metal electrodes immersed in an
electrolytic solution
o Batteries are the source of potential difference ΔV =VA-B
& measured in SI units of volts (V)
& measured in SI units of volts (V)
o A battery produces electricity by transforming chemical
energy into electrical energy, using various metal electrodes immersed in an
electrolytic solution
energy into electrical energy, using various metal electrodes immersed in an
electrolytic solution
o Batteries are the source of potential difference ΔV =Va-Vb
and measured in SI units of volts (V)
and measured in SI units of volts (V)
Section 6: quiz
What element is present in all organic compounds?
Which bird lays the world's largest eggs?