About me

Hello everyone,
    My pseudonym is Knowledge Terminal  and https://generalknowledgeusaquiz.blogspot.com/ is my blog. I am a technology professional but I have interest in other fields. I feel people should have basic knowledge of all fields. General knowledge is defined as "culturally valued knowledge communicated by a range of non-specialist media". Studies have shown general knowledge enhances life experiences and thinking skills and motivates further learning.  Regularly revising general knowledge and learning new things helps people to be well prepared for wide range of careers. Such diverse knowledge holds people in good stead in their future careers. General knowledge helps us to grow not only on academic level but also in personal level. It widens our sense of perceiving the world and we analyze the situation better. The world is unpredictable and we all need to stay aware and vigilant. An individual who is well aware with general affairs will be intellectually sound. This practice keeps curiosity alive and also helps to grow your confidence level. There are several other benefits like it enable you to start a conversation with anybody on any topic and this in turn would enable you to  impress the person you are interacting with. Apart from this you can take part in various quiz contests. 

Blog description:
In this particular blog I will talk about general knowledge from USA perspective. 
Each blog will have six section. First section we will do map pointing on USA map ( beginning with states and their capital)
Second section we will do map pointing on world map ( beginning with countries and their capital)
Third section we mention one event in USA history. 
Fourth section we will mention one event in world history. 
Fifth section will have brief discussion on two subjects ranging from astronomy, physics, history, medicine personality etc. 
In the last section there will be ten quiz questions. 
Other websites and blogs go too deep on a particular subject and the learners forget most of the stuff they learn. In this blog we will focus on the most important aspects of a subject. 

Lets start our journey towards becoming a smarter and more knowledgeable being. 

Name: Knowledge Terminal
Location :Manhattan, New York, USA
Contact:- knowledgeterminal@gmail.com

Youtube channel name: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHFn_vAYMkBJeRmT6erWdyw?view_as=subscriber

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