Blockchain and Crptocurrency: General Knowledge USA Quiz.

By knowledgeterminal - March 24, 2019

Section 1: USA Skyscraper and high-rises map

Section 2: World nuclear weapons by proportion map

Section 3: Historically important USA event


George Washington Gale Ferris Jr. created the original Ferris Wheel by as a breakthrough for the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago.

Section 4: Historically important world event

27 BC - AD 14

Rome ruled by Augustus (born in 63 BC Roman statesman and military leader) who was the first Emperor of the Roman Empire and founder of the Roman Principate.

Section 5: Blockchain and cryptocurrency

Blockchain Facts

1.         It is an increasing list of records, known as blocks, connected cryptographically with every block containing a a) cryptographic hash of the preceding block b) a timestamp c) transaction data
2.         It prevents alteration of the data acting as an open, distributed ledger to record transactions between two entities usually managed by a peer-to-peer network governed by inter-node communication protocol
3.          The data in block cannot be changed without modifying of all succeeding blocks and without the green signal of the network majority.
4.         Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008 invented blockchain for the public transaction ledger of the cryptocurrency bitcoin
5.         The identity of Satoshi Nakamoto is unknown. The invention of the blockchain for bitcoin made it the first digital currency to solve the double-spending problem without the need of a trusted authority or central server.
6.         Blockchain is a kind of payment rail which inspired other application
7.         Blockchain database is managed autonomously and efficiently using a peer-to-peer network and a distributed timestamping server authenticated by mass collaboration driven by collective self-interests
8.         Blockchain technology can be integrated into multiple areas.
9.         Cryptokitties also demonstrated how blockchains can be used to catalog game assets (digital assets)
10.     The Blockchain Game Alliance was formed to discover alternative uses of blockchains in video gaming.
11.     The Blockchain in Transport Alliance (BiTA) researches to create open standards for supply chains.
12.     Everledger is a client of IBM's blockchain-based tracking service
13.     Blockchain is used by Walmart to deliver its customers with better service when it was having high return rate and large amounts of refunds because of bad quality product. To determine the point of failure in the supply chain (from farm to storage to transportation to processing to the customer) Walmart adopted blockchain technology inscribing the quality of the goods at each step thus helping Walmart to identify where the product got damaged and work on the problem areas.

Cryptocurrency Facts

1.         It is a digital currency designed to work as a medium of exchange that uses strong cryptography to secure financial transactions, control the creation of additional units, and verify the transfer of assets

2.         Cryptocurrencies is controlled decentralizedly unlike banks and centralized digital currency and central banking systems through blockchain

3.         There was a need of middleman. There was no way to prove one has paid for something or has money to make payments (double spending problem)

4.         The first decentralized cryptocurrency was Bitcoin (released in 2009 as open-source software) by Satoshi Nakamoto (pseudonym) which used cryptographic hash function SHA-256

5.         There are more than 4,000 decentralized cryptocurrencies

6.         There is an upper limit to the total amount of particular cryptocurrency that will be in circulation.

7.         It is generated at a speed dictated at the time of system creation by cryptocurrency system as a whole

8.         Governments cannot generate new units

9.         Each block typically contains a hash pointer as a link to a previous block, a timestamp and transaction data

10.     Mining is a validation of transactions

11.     Miners upheld and sustain the security and reliability of recodes by using computers to timestamp transactions and validating and adding to the ledger

12.     Hash recognizes a block and is unique. When a block is generated, calculation of hash begins. Modification of the block causes the hash to change and modification of a single block will make the succeeding blocks invalid. However, computers can calculate hundreds of thousands of hashes per second and the blockchain can be made valid again. To prevent this, blockchains use proof-of-work which is a mechanism to slow down the formation of new blocks making it difficult to tamper with the blocks and tampering with one block needs the recalculation of the proof-of-work for the succeeding blocks.

13.     Bank transaction sometimes fail due to technical issues at the bank, hacking of the accounts, surpassing daily transfer limits

14.     Transactions are validated and then added block by block by miners solving a complex mathematical problem. The miner who solves this first gets to add the block to the blockchain and in return gets 12.5 bitcoins. This process of solving the complex mathematical problem is called proof of work and the process of adding a block to the blockchain is called mining.

15.     Multiversion concurrency control (MVCC) in databases prevents two transactions from concurrently modifying a single object in a database

16.     Bitcoins will become more expensive and unlike normal currency that can only make smaller denominations like pennies and dollars bitcoins can actually be divided up to eight decimal places

17.     Both the bitcoin network and wallet checks previous transactions to make sure that there is enough bitcoins to send in the first place

18.     Each person maintaining a ledger has to solve a special kind of math problem created by a cryptographic hash function which is an algorithm that takes an input of any size, and turns it into an output with a fixed size. From the output own has to find out the original input.

19.     To prolong the blockchain, bitcoin uses Hashcash puzzles.

20.     There are no centralized official copies and no user is trusted more than any other

21.     One needs to do is guess a random number that solves an equation generated by the system.

22.     The hash function that bitcoin uses is called SHA256, which stands for Secure Hash Algorithm 256-bit. Computers churns billions of guesses before the right guess. The first one to get it right adds the next block of transactions to the blockchain after which a new math problem is generated that needs to be solved. If multiple people make blocks at roughly the same time, then the network picks one to keep building upon, which becomes the longest, and most trusted chain. And any transactions in those alternate branches of the chain get put back into a pool to be added onto later blocks.

23.     These miners spend thousands of dollars on special computers built to solve SHA256 problems, and run their electricity bills

24.     Every single bitcoin that exists was created to reward a bitcoin miner. Miners are also essentially tipped a very small amount for each transaction they add to the ledger. For every 210,000 blocks, the number of coins generated when a new block is added goes down by half. So what started as a reward of 50 bitcoins decreased to 25, then 12 and a half. It’ll only be around 6 bitcoins in a couple more years, and keep decreasing. Eventually, there will be so many transactions in a block, that it’ll still be worthwhile for miners to mostly be paid in tips.

25.     The last bitcoin (21 millionth coin) will be possibly mined in the year 2140. The decreasing number of bitcoins is actually modelled off the rate at which resources are dug out of the earth to raise their value by keeping the supply of bitcoins limited

26.     Once your mining computer comes up with the right guess, the mining program determines which of the currently pending transactions will be grouped together into the next block of transactions. The block created and the solution is sent to the whole network for other computers to validate it. Each computer that validates the solution updates its copy of the Bitcoin transaction ledger

27.     But it is highly unlikely that the same miner will guess the correct solution everytime even though the miners with more computing power will succeed more often

28.     Miners group together to form a “pool” when they combine their mining power to compete more effectively. When the pool manages to win the competition, the reward is spread out between the pool members depending on how much mining power each of them contributed.

29.     Iceland has become a haven for cryptocurrency miners in part because of its cheap electricity. Prices are contained because nearly all of the country's energy comes from renewable sources, prompting more mining companies to consider opening operations in Iceland. The region's energy company says bitcoin mining is becoming so popular that the country will likely use more electricity to mine coins than power homes in 2018. In October 2018 Russia was to become home to one of the largest legal mining operations in the world, located in Siberia

30.     In March 2018, a town in Upstate New York put an 18-month moratorium on all cryptocurrency mining in an effort to preserve natural resources and the "character and direction" of the city.

31.     Mining of cryptocurrency increased the demand of graphics cards (GPU).

32.     Wallet consists of one bitcoin address for delivery and private key for spending. It stores the public (send currency to the wallet ) and private addresses / keys (for writing in the public ledger)

33.     Pseudonymous rather than anonymous in that the cryptocurrency within a wallet is not tied to people, but rather to one or more specific keys

34.     Bitcoin owners are not identifiable, but all transactions are publicly available in the blockchain. Cryptocurrency exchanges are often required by law to collect the personal information of their users.

35.     Most of the cryptocurrency tokens are interchangeable and are traded over the Internet with transaction fees depending on network capacity and the demand of the currency with options of priority alternatives

36.     Cryptocurrency are interchanged in exchanges or can be bought using money

37.     In 2014 Jordan Kelley launched the first bitcoin ATM in Austin, United States

38.     An initial coin offering is a debatable means of raising funds for a new cryptocurrency venture

39.     The legal status of cryptocurrencies varies substantially from country to country. While some countries have explicitly allowed their use and trade others have banned (Algeria, Bolivia, Egypt, Iraq, Morocco, Nepal, Pakistan, and the United Arab Emirates) or restricted it

40.     Cryptocurrency networks display a lack of regulation that has been criticized as enabling criminals who seek to evade taxes and launder money

41.     Cons:

a.       Systems of anonymity of cryptocurrencies can help to launder money through anonymous transactions

b.       World's biggest bitcoin exchange, Mt. Gox, declared bankruptcy in February 2014.

c.       Tether cryptocurrency announced they were hacked in 2017

d.       Many consider cryptocurrencies to Ponzi schemes and economic bubbles

Section 6: quiz


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