Corsitol and Cholesterol: General Knowledge USA Quiz.

By knowledgeterminal - February 03, 2019

I: Map: USA maps richest states ranking

II: Map: World map number of billionaires

III: Event of history (USA)

Turtle was first American military submarine

IV: Event of history (world)

Carl Benz developed the first stationary gasoline engine (1 cylinder 2-stroke engine) powered by petrol

V: Cortisol and Cholesterol

Cortisol Facts

1.       steroid hormone synthesized from organic molecule cholesterol
2.       primary stress hormone in human.  regulates mood, motivation, and fear.
3.       Produced by adrenal glands (the top of kidneys) when blood-glucose concentration is low or human is under stress.
4.       Plays important role in fight-or-flight physiological reaction to respond to imminent threat or attack
5.       Additionally, it controls carbohydrates, proteins and fats usage
6.       Lowers inflammation, Increases glucose (blood sugar)
7.       After the threat is gone the cortisol level should come to normal level and the bodily functions should revert back the previous state. Otherwise Weight gain, depression, reduction in bone formation happens. In extreme conditions Crushing syndrome develop marked by diabetes, rapid weight gain, bruising skin
8.       On the other hand, lack of cortisol leads to low blood pressure, diarrhea, weakness, darkening of skin

Cholesterol Facts

1.       Cholesterol is a fat-like organic molecule (sterol)
2.       Produced by liver mainly and intestines and adrenal glands.
3.       make hormones, vitamin D, and substances that help you digest foods.
4.       makes all the cholesterol it needs
5.       animal sources, such as egg yolks, meat, and cheese
6.       High cholesterol concentration leads to the formation of plaque by combing in with other substances which accumulates on the artery walls causing atherosclerosis which can lead to coronary artery blockage
7.       High-density lipoprotein is the "good" cholesterol which collects and transports cholesterol to liver eliminating the cholesterol from body
8.       Low-density lipoprotein (carry cholesterol) and the very low-density lipoprotein (carry triglycerides)
9.       Cause: unhealthy lifestyle, eating lots of saturated fat, chocolate, dairy products and processed foods, no of physical exercise, genetics (familial hypercholesterolemia)
10.   Most common in adults, high chance with African American heredity.
11.   Hypercholesterolemia (huge concentration of cholesterol in the blood) lead to yellowish patches of cholesterol deposits near eyelids
12.   Huge accumulation of plaque can break open
13.   Diagnose: blood test to find cholesterol level (lipid profile)
14.   Treatment: leading a healthy life- exercise, healthy food, cholesterol-lowering drugs

VI: quiz

Q: What is botany the study of?

A: Plants

Q: What does FIFO and MIPS stand for?

A:First in first out and million instruction per second

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