Nikola Tesla and Alan Turing: General Knowledge USA Quiz.
By knowledgeterminal - January 10, 2019
Section i: Rivers of USA (map) )
Section ii: Seas near Europe (Map: World)
Section iii: Incidents in USA history
1962 The Cuban Missile Crisis a 13-day (October 16–28, 1962) confrontation between US and the Soviet Union with Soviet ballistic missile deployment in Cuba in response to American ballistic missile deployment in Italy and Turkey
Section iv: Incidents in world history
336–323 BC
Reign of one of the greatest emperors ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon formed one of the largest empires of the ancient world stretching from Greece to northwestern India
Section v: Nikola Tesla and Alan Turing
Nikola Tesla Facts
Born in 1856 in present day Croatia
Made the biggest contribution to design
alternating current (AC) electricity supply system making safe, affordable
electricity, delivered to our home
He invented Tesla hydropower, radio, robots
Tesla, Tesla, Tesla X-ray photography, electric generators, spark plugs, remote
controls, fluorescent lights
He held over 700 patents
He was investigated by the United States government
for claiming to have invented A sixty-million-volt death ray that could
vaporize a tank from 200 miles away
He could do advanced calculus in his head and
recite entire books from memory
His priest father wished that he becomes a
priest too. When Nicolas contracted Cholera at 17, he made a deal with his
father to send him to engineering school when he recovered.
In 1884, Tesla went to New York City with four
cents in his pocket and a letter of introduction to Thomas Edison
Edison's Direct Current required building D/C
power stations every two miles and New Yorkers were getting electrocuted
Tesla’s Alternating Current periodically reverse
the direction was a solution which allowing the electricity to travel
efficiently for much greater distances
Tesla and Edison hated each other and prevented
either one of them from getting The Nobel Prize in physics in 1915
Tesla invented Tesla coil which was high
voltage, high frequency transformer That shoots out volts of mad scientist
electricity We still use a version of the Tesla coil in electronics
He sold his patents to Pittsburgh industrialist
George Westinghouse for sixty thousand dollars who went to turn the Niagara
Falls into the first Hydroelectric power plant
In 1900, J.P. Morgan commissioned
Tesla to build a power plant and transmission tower to broadcast information to
any part of the world, the project failed, the stock market crashed and Tesla
was forced to quit and he suffered a complete nervous breakdown as a
He spoke eight languages (Serbo-Croatian, Czech,
English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, and Latin)
Tesla died in 1943
Alan Turing Facts
born in England in 1912
math genius
In college he postulated the Turing machine,
machine that could calculate anything calculable and which can be considered a
model of a general-purpose computer
He was an engineer. British government hired
Turing to help break the codes generated by Enigma, the Germans' crazy
complicated encryption device. Turing developed an electromechanical machine
that could break the code saving more British lives than any other person
during World War II (over 14 million lives).
openly gay and homosexuality was illegal at that
He arrested Alan Turing and charged him with
gross indecency was given a choice between jail or probation with the condition
of undergoing hormone treatment to "cure" homosexuality (chemical
castration) .
highly influential in the development of
theoretical computer science
He provided a basis of the concepts of algorithm
He is considered as the father of theoretical
computer science and artificial intelligence
In 1948 he invented the LU decomposition method,
for solving matrix equations
11. Developed by Alan Turing in 1950, Turing test is
a test of a machine's ability to display intelligent behavior comparable to
that of a human. If human evaluator cannot reliably tell the machine (designed
to generate human-like responses) from the human (in a conversation
conversation limited to a text-only channel), the machine is said to have
passed the test.
He died in 1954 of cyanide poisoning.
Section vi: quiz
Q: What does 'DNA' stand for?
A: Deoxyribonucleic acid
Q: Which U.S. state has the longest coastline?
A: Alaska