Benjamin Franklin and Galileo Galilei: General Knowledge USA Quiz.

By knowledgeterminal - January 11, 2019

 Section 1: USA neighbors

Section 2: World map (rivers of the continent of Africa)

Section 3: USA incident

The first quadrennial presidential election in USA. (from Monday, December 15, 1788)

Section 4: world incident

Fifth century BC
First known democracy in the world: Athenian democracy developed around the  in the Greek city-state  of Athens

Section 5: Benjamin Franklin and  Galileo Galilei

Benjamin Franklin Facts

1.       Born in Boston, 1706.
2.       He invented bifocals lightning rod and the Franklin stove swimmy flipper, and mapped the Gulf Stream and studyed the link between volcanoes climate change
3.       Franklin proposed that the attraction and repulsion were properties of electricity. His work laid the groundwork for scientists like Allessandro Volta, Michael Faraday and Nikola Tesla.
4.       Franklin thought that lightning might be a form of electricity and did experiment using a long metal rod attached to a Leyden jar.
5.       He served as Postmaster General from 1753
6.       After that, he was a little busy, what with the Revolutionary War and helping found the United States and everything.
7.       He persuaded the French to help the colonies fight Britain in the American Revolution.
8.       He is one of the Founding Fathers of the United States signing the Declaration of Independence
9.       Mozart and Beethoven wrote music for the harmonica that Benjamin Franklin created.
10.   Benjamin Franklin was the richest person in the United States

11.   In 1790, at age 84 he died

Galileo Galilei Facts

1.       Born in Italy in 1564
2.       It is believed that Galileo dropped two cannon balls of different masses from the leaning tower of Pisa to prove that speed of falling objects were independent of their mass
3.       Galileo was a skillful lutenist
4.       Galileo believed in Copernicus’s theory laid out in 1543 that the Earth was not the center of the universe
5.       He did not agree with Kepler’s theory that the moon caused the tides
6.       In the last year of his life, when he was totally blind, Galileo designed an escapement mechanism for a pendulum clock called Galileo’s escapement
7.       German dramatist Bertolt Brecht wrote a play about Galileo entitled Life of Galileo, which was first performed on Broadway in 1947
8.       The middle finger of Galileo’s right hand has been displayed at the Museo Galileo in Florence, Italy
9.       He was a college dropout.
10.   German-Dutch eyeglass maker Hans Lippershey is generally credited with its creation but many believe that Galileo invented telescope but Galileo only improved the device
11.   he spent part of his life under house arrest because he offended the church with his heliocentric views

12.   Died in 1642

Section 6: quiz

Q: Who is the father of sociology?   
A: August Comte


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