Cancer: General Knowledge USA Quiz.

By knowledgeterminal - January 19, 2019

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 Sect. 1: USA map with Expressways

Sect 2: World map with oil revenue

Sect. 3: USA Event

1920-1933: Prohibition in the United States was a nationwide constitutional ban on the production, importation, transportation, and sale of alcoholic beverages

Sect. 4: world Event

1895-1898: The Cuban War of Independence was the last of three liberation wars that Cuba fought against Spain

Sect. 5: Cancer Facts

1.      Definition: In a human body, cells get replaced by cells created by the process of cell division. When cell multiplication out of control leads a tumor which is a mass composed of a cluster of such abnormal cells is created. Cancerous tumors formed around healthy cells, affect normal body function.

2.      Cancers continue to grow and spread by direct extension or through a process called metastasis, whereby the

3.      Cancerous cells go to other parts of the body through the lymphatic or blood vessels and form tumors there (development of secondary malignant growth also called Metastasis)

4.      Types: There are more than 100 types of cancer

·         Carcinomas in the skin, lungs, breasts, pancreas, and other organs and glands.

·         Lymphomas are cancers of lymphocytes.

·         Leukemia is cancer of the blood.

·         Sarcomas in bone, muscle, fat, bloodvessels, cartilage, or other soft or connective tissues of the body. They are relatively uncommon.

·         Melanomas in the cells that make the pigment in skin

5.      Cancer has been detected thousands of years ago
6.      Cause: Factors like tobacco, obesity, poor diet, lack of physical activity or excessive drinking of alcohol, infections (like Helicobacter pylori, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, human papillomavirus), exposure to ionizing radiation and environmental pollutants, Epstein–Barr virus and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) promote changing the genes of a cell.
7.      The most common types of cancer in males are lung cancer. In females, the most common types are breast cancer, colorectal cancer
8.      Diagnosis: Cancer specialists are called oncologists. Laboratory studies of blood, urine, and stool can detect abnormalities that may indicate cancer. Imaging tests such as X-rays, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound, and fiber-optic endoscopy can detect the cancer's location and size. In a biopsy tissue sample is removed from the suspected tumor and studied under a microscope.
9.      Treatments:
·         Surgery to remove tumors, tissue, or areas with cancer cells by Laser surgery, Electrosurgery, Cryosurgery
·         Chemotherapy to kill cancer cells by an injection into a vein or as an ointment on skin.

Sect. 6: quiz

What is the basic building block of nervous system?
What is the mixture of potasium nitrate, powered charcoal and sulphur called?

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